The Hesdin congregation, formed in October 2003 by Revd. Roy Kilford, is made up of families from the southern area of the department, both full time residents, and those with holiday homes in the area. The average congregation is 20 but the number is increased at Christmas when a Christmas eve service is held, usually at 5pm.and other special occasions, such as Easter and Harvest.

A joint ‘stations of the cross’ service is held with the Catholic church at Framecourt on Good Friday.

Services and other Events
Services are held at the parish hall in Rue de l’Arsenal, Hesdin each month on the first Sunday at 10h30 and the third Sunday at 17h00; coffee is shared after each service.

Coffee mornings provide an opportunity to meet together informally, and special events are also held from time to time. There have been picnics, bring and share meals, all of which are open to both church members and visitors.

Members also regularly join with other social groups in the area holding, for example a ‘brocante’ stall at a Fishing and Petanque day, organised locally.

The Hesdin church look forward to welcoming visitors holidaying in the area and new permanent residents.
